Motorola XTS Amplified PTT
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Compatible with the following radios with Motorola M5 style plugs:
Motorola: GP1200, GP900, GP9000, HT1000, JEDI, JT1000, MT1000, MT1500, MT2000, MTS2000, MTX8000, MTX838, MTX900, MTX9000, MTX90,MTX-LS
PR1500,PM1500, XTS1500, XTS2000, XTS2250, XTS2500, XTS3000, XTS3000 Astro, XTS3500, XTS4250, XTS5000, XTX2500
EF Johnson (EF3): 51 Fire ES,51LT ES, 51SL, 511X,512X, 514X, 515ES, 515L, 518X, 51SLES Series, 5000 Series,5100 ES Series,7700 Series, Ascend 5100, Ascend ES
AN/PRC-127EF Series, Avenger 8100 Series, Multi-net Ascend ES Series
Viking VP300, VP400, VP600, VP900, Viking Fire, Viking CK8500 Series
Kenwood : Viking VP600, Viking VP900
Compatible with most high-end communication headsets like AMP, COMTAC, and OTTO. Also compatible with most reproduction headsets.